Win a Free DDA Membership!
Are you a graduate of QC’s Interior Decorating Course who is currently working in the design industry? If so, you can enter to win a free year-long Accredited Membership with the Design & Decorators Association of Canada (DDA)—a value of $300!
What are the benefits?
As an Accredited Member of the DDA, you’ll receive a variety of benefits including:
- National promotion as a decorator from the DDA
- Credibility and marketing opportunities through your designation as a DDA member
- Local referrals from the DDA membership list
- Industry updates and information about upcoming events
- Professional development seminars & tradeshow events
- Opportunities to network and create industry contacts
- Opportunity to hold a position on DDA’s member-elected board
- And much more!
You can learn more about what’s include in the membership and view all of the benefits here.
How do I apply?
To apply for this membership, submit a 250-word statement explaining how you have made a significant contribution to the design industry. Email your submission to [email protected] by June 27th, 2019 (11:59pm ET).
Submission Deadline: June 27th, 2019 (11:59pm ET)
You can read the full contest rules here.