Student Ambassador

I have always daydreamed about how a room can transform and evolve. I love how a space can affect how you feel, depending on the design. The next step for me was to become a professional designer, so I could make my visions come to life!

QC Design School is unique for so many reasons. They have great course outlines, and you can choose multiple different courses to take. Their school is internationally-recognized and accredited by the Better Business Bureau. QC also has a full business unit included in their courses! Being able to learn the business and how to work with clients is so amazing!

QC Design School has set me up to accomplish my goals. Being able to get an education on my own time, and learn everything about both design and business, is a recipe for success. Working on assignments that are practical, and learning how to put them to use, is truly priceless!


Here are the courses Jamie’s taken with QC

IDDP Certification Badge



ISRP Certification Badge

Staging for
