1. Give your bathroom a little TLC!
Feng Shui believes that by its very nature, your bathroom should be a place of relaxation and purification. I’m sure that when you think of your bathroom, you think of water. Feng Shui believes that water is the sign of wealth and prosperity.
However, because this is the room most often associated with germs, you need to work a little harder to bring that positive chi out! So, just like you did in your kitchen and closet, start by going through your bathroom and ridding yourself of any half-used or expired items that you don’t need anymore.
To go the extra mile, add one of the air-purifying plants we mentioned in Part 1 into this space. A bright, airy environment is always good for your state of mind, but if your bathroom doesn’t have any windows, consider what sorts of colors and/or objects you can decorate it with in order to manually lighten the room.
2. Don’t forget your windows!
In Feng Shui, your windows are considered the “eyes” of your home. If your windows are smudged and dirty, you won’t be able to perceive the world outside clearly. This distortion is harmful for your state of mind, and also for your Feng Shui flow.
When Spring cleaning, take the time to properly focus on all the windows in your home. As mentioned in Part 1 of this segment, try to use all-natural cleaning products, such as orange-infused vinegar. After thoroughly washing the windows themselves, make sure not to forget about the curtains, too!
Once everything has been scrubbed clean, the final step is to open the windows up. This will quite literally give any negative energy in your home a way to escape. In its place, fresh, clean energy will be welcomed inside your home instead.
3. Symmetry is key!
Your bedroom is arguably one of the most critical, most intimate spots in your living environment. To best tap into your bedroom’s positive energy, Feng Shui recommends that you create a sense of symmetry and balance within its overall design.
This is because, as we touched upon in Part 1, the state of the given room is meant to reflect the state of your well-being. If your room is balanced, your state of mind will be, too.
Here are a few tips for making your bedroom a bit more symmetrical:
- If possible, try to have an equal amount of space on both sides of the bed
- If possible, have matching objects on either side of the bed (such as nightstands, lamps, etc.)
- If you have artwork or décor on the walls, space everything out so things are balanced throughout the room
Pro tip: While you’re at it, another idea is to rearrange the positioning of your bed so that you have a clear view of the door. Doing so gives you a “commanding position” over your bedroom, which does wonders for cultivating good, healthy vibes!
4. Cleanse all that old, bad energy!
Even with all the cleaning, re-organizing, and decluttering you do, there can still remain stuffy, bad energy from the past lingering in the air. The best way to rid yourself of it once and for all is to purify the room with a sage smudge.
Smudging is an ancient ritual used to cleanse an environment, promote self-healing, and bring peace and clarity to the mind. The fact that it also smells really good is just an added bonus!
For safety purposes, make sure that before you start, you have a fireproof burning bowl available and ready. Then, with the windows open, you can light your bundle of sage. Begin at your front door, and then move through each room.
Using either a feather or just your hand, waft the smoke emitting from the sage. Many believe that you should make a figure eight pattern with the burning sage itself.
Be mindful not to simply walk into a room, smudge a tiny bit, and then leave. It’s important that you cover as much of each room as you possibly can; from the corners, to the ceiling, etc.
Once you’ve finished smudging your whole living environment, you can extinguish the sage by putting it out in the fireproof burning bowl.
Note: If you have asthma or any other respiratory condition, make sure you first consult with a doctor before performing any sage smudges. While it’s said to be harmless in small doses, it’s better to be safe than sorry!
5. Embrace the Spring vibes!
This may sound a little hokey, but we feel this is the best possible final step to your Spring cleaning. Once you’ve tended to all the rooms and your home has been given its Feng Shui makeover, it’s beneficial for your state of mind to pause and give yourself a moment to feel your surroundings.
Keep your windows open for just a bit longer, and breathe in the fresh air. Take in the smells, the sunshine, and the emotions it sparks within you. Allow yourself to focus on only these things, and embrace them.
Winter can be a stifling, stagnant time for many of us. As magical as it can be, it’s often just as depressing, dark, and lonesome. Spring, on the other hand, is a time of rejuvenation! It symbolizes change, growth, and the start of something new.
Acknowledging these positive attributes and sensations will help to center you. It can get you feeling motivated and excited for the path ahead. An optimistic frame of mind is like the final cherry on the cake of positive Feng Shui energy!
Lastly, like we mentioned in Part 1, it’s critical that you not be too hard on yourself. Especially if you’re new to Feng Shui, working this practice into your life can be a lengthy process. If this means that your Spring cleaning is done in days (even weeks), then so be it.
Don’t hesitate to learn more about Feng Shui online, and tackle your Spring cleaning one step at a time! As with all things, it’s better to take your time so you can do it right, than to go for speed and getting it all wrong. Before you know it, your home will have the perfect Feng Shui flow, and will truly transform into your heaven on earth.
Happy cleaning, designers!